Turn the Great Resignation into The Great Reengagement

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We’ve been watching The Great Resignation with consternation. Every organization we work with is talking about how to retain their talent, and every individual we know is aching to do meaningful work that makes them feel more alive and connected.

We worry for both the teams who are losing good people and for the good people who are cutting and running only to end up with regret and further disillusionment 3 years later.

All this worry and consternation has us wondering: What if teams could meet The Great Resignation with something bigger and better? What if we could give teams something to run toward together, rather than away from? 

What if we could turn The Great Resignation into The Great Reengagement?

Every Team Needs to Reconnect and Come Back Together

Here’s what we know for sure:

  1. It’s been a breathtakingly traumatic 2 years. Every team needs a fresh start.
  2. People are craving opportunities to be together again and do work that matters.
  3. Your team members want to know that they are cared for, that they belong, and that their work has a purpose.

We think we have a way to give them all three. We believe that teams need opportunities to RESTART, REBUILD, and REIMAGINE.

It’s called Your Evolution Story, and it’s the perfect team-building workshop and event for turning the tide of great resignation. After two years of a massive evolution, your team needs an opportunity to uncover, synthesize, and share the story of their evolution, AND have some fun and talk about what it’s time for now.

Human Beings Are Wired for Story

Stories are how we make sense of the world, how we connect, and how we imagine better futures. Let your team write a new story this year–one that honors them as individuals AND as a team. It’s a story of their individual and collective past, but more importantly, it’s a story that propels them into a future…together. A future that’s connected, purposeful, and full of new possibilities.

We custom-design Your Evolution Story workshops and events so they meet the needs of your team. They include:

  1. A YES WORKBOOK AND JOURNAL for each team member that helps them mine their experience and uncover their story.
  2. Individual interviews with our expert Story Squad
  3. A team-building workshop that helps each team member see themselves in the collective vision of the future… together as one unified team. 
  4. Digital and hard-copy versions of your team’s story that you can use to share your story across the organization so others can align with your collective vision of the future, increasing the likelihood of success.

YES workshops help teams:

  • Build trust
  • Manage stress
  • See situations from new perspectives
  • Appreciate others’ stories
  • Address ambiguity
  • Improve communication
  • Reconnect on a meaningful level
  • Talk about what’s important 

If you are a meeting or event planner, this is a packaged team-building solution, packed with value and ready to roll.

If you are a leader and need a way to reconnect your team, this team-building experience delivers for your people and it delivers a new story ready to be told!  

One of the biggest benefits of co-creating a story together is sharing it with the broader organization. Just think about what becomes possible when everyone across the organization knows who you are, what you are focused on, and what you’re doing.  

People don’t leave organizations when they are able to run toward possibility and meaning.  

Ready to launch The Great Re-Engagement with your team in 2022? Let’s talk!

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