Why Connecting People to AI and Technology is Important

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Why Connecting People to AI and Technology is Important

We are standing at the doorway of the Imagination Age, a time when creativity and imagination will drive human and economic value more than ever before. Where our human ability to dream, create, and innovate becomes our greatest asset. AI and technology are tools that can amplify these human traits, enabling us to explore new frontiers and solve problems in ways we never thought possible.

I designed and developed The Epiphany Lab to help people become exponential thinkers—futurists, technologists, innovators, and humanitarians. Here, imagination delivers everything.  I see alot of apprehension and fear around AI – fear that technology will overshadow human creativity or replace their unique contributions. Just like anything new and unexplored- the first step is always the hardest… if you even knew where to start. 


  • What if we could create a learning space where all these perspectives are honored and explored
  • What if we all have access to this new technology in an equitable and distributed way?
  • What if the technology makes sense and can become a learning partner so it contributes to our work, ideas, and making?
  • What if this new technology learns from OUR diverse perspectives and deepens so it can enhance and shape better futures?

In our “AI DISCOVERY” workshop, part of the Epiphany Lab experience, we invite you to step into this space of possibility. Here, we acknowledge that technology can be intimidating, but we also believe it holds incredible potential to enhance our human experience. We don’t have all the answers, and that’s okay. We are here to ask lots of questions,  stand in the uncertainty together, and discover how AI can be a catalyst for human creativity rather than a threat to it.

Drawing from the insights of Emily Springer, we’ll explore the importance of ethical and inclusive AI, and talk about risk. Emily believes that AI can serve the global majority when implemented with a strong ethical foundation. We’ll begin by creating an inclusive exploration space where are careful not to reinforce existing inequalities.

We’re asking this human centered design question:

How might we design a workshop using Inclusive AI Design Principles: 

  1. Where AI systems are designed and deployed with an ethical foundation, avoiding biases and promoting fairness.
  2. Where we Involve diverse voices starting from the idea phase.
  3. Where we minimize potential harms and ensure AI benefits a wide range of communities.
  4. Where we work to enhance human creativity and problem-solving, rather than overshadowing them.
  5. Where we begin a learning journey that is ethical and serves human needs.



The Epiphany Lab is more than just a workshop; it’s an experience-based collaborative imagination workshop concept. Connecting with AI opens doors to new ways of thinking and creating. We’ll imagine using AI to amplify a vision, make things easier, explore ideas,  streamline your projects, or solve some problems. This is not about replacing the human – Humanity IS the Hack!

We have found that AI doesn’t diminish our creativity; it expands it. In the four hours we’ll spend together, we’ll explore this new space and find ways to make technology work for us.

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